Monday, November 30, 2009

Jacob and I at this point....

Well here it goes....I finally got myself sat down long enough to get a blog going, for all those who have been asking me to do it for a while this is for you!! Jacob is almost 6 months old (WOW) and his favorite thing to play with is his little einstein saucer at this point in time. Jacob loves his bath time it is like pulling teeth to get him out of the water. He has the cutest laugh and he just loves to be tickled. We (Jakey and I) take a walk every morning it becomes his "nap time". He cant wait to eat food even to the point of getting frustrated when he sees me eating, so now I try to secretly eat while he is preoccupied with cartoons or toys. He loves to snuggle and sings himself to sleep while I rock him in his rocker. On Sundays Jacob will sing so loud that I will have to leave sacrament meeting and sit in the foyer. He is very easygoing and patient if he wakes up and isnt hungry he will just turn over onto his back and play with his feet. Oh and he got his first tooth a week ago so I look forward to seeing more teeth in the near future. He is a roadster and loves the car! I have been teaching him "baby sign" since he was 4 weeks old and already knows milk. It is the cutest thing when he is hungry and all he does is use the sign for milk and wait for me to make him some. I am sure everyone would also like to know how I am so I will say I am getting by Jacob is my world and without him I my life would be almost unbearable. I am still working on my real estate liscense and am not exactly sure when I will finish since I am so busy. I miss Jed and I want everyone to know how much Jacob reminds me of him. I just recieved a calling to be putting together all the ward activities as well as others on the committee. We had a good thanksgiving with moms side of the family and look forward to Jakeys first christmas!!